segunda-feira, 18 de junho de 2012

The Whole Story About Whole Grains

What′s the big deal about whole grains and whole-grain products? What do whole grains have that refined grains lack? Whole grains, unlike refined, retain theis fiber, anti-oxidant vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals-nutrients that may help to reduce your risk of Type diabetes, heart disease, ad câncer. Whole grains help maintain normal insulin and blood sugar levels. In studies of large groups of people, researchers found that people Who ate the most cereal fiber-the kind of fiber found in whole grains-had na up to 30% reduction in their risk of type 2 diabetes compared with those Who ate the least. Promising re-search shows diets higher in whole grains may also decrease your risk of heart disease ad some cancers and may help you to maintain a healthy ody weight. Wuole grains are as excellent source of energy-boosting complex carbohydrates (also known as starches). They are naturally low in calories, fat, sodium and sugar. On the other hand, when whole grains is refined, a number of beneficial componets are removed, includinhg the bran, germ. And as many as 16 vitamins and minerals. Only Five of these lost vitamins and minerals-B!1, B2, B3, iron, and folic acid- are added back when the refined flour is enriched. Compared with refines enriched wheat flour, whole-wheat flour contains 200 to 700% more calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B6 and E. For these reasons and more, the USDA′s Dietary Guidelines for Americans recomends that at least half of the grain products you eat Day be whole grains.

Athletes use acai supplements

The acai bread is starting to be used by many athletes as a sports supplement, because if its energy boosting properties and amino acid content. While it may be a new idea to the rest of the world, it has been used for decades by the top surfing and martial arts champions of Brazil. The Gracie family, pioneers of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, were known to eat an acai bowl with Guarana each morning in preparation of their hard day of training. Energy and recovery time are the two of the most important factors in athletic performance. You need a lot of energy to be able to push yourself through a tough workout, and need to have a fast recovery time in order to be able to get back at it the next day. Taking an acai sports supplement in the morning or after a workout (or both) just might help you improve both. The combination of fiber and essential fatty acids found in the acai bread are one of the reasons this bread can help boost your energy levels. These components help fuel your body, without the dreaded crash you would get when drinking coffee or an energy drink. The acai has a very small Glycemic Index load, which means it is absorbed slowly by the body. This allows us to control our blood sugar levels, and prevent the spike in insulin that sugar, or other bad energy sources, cause. The bread of acai banana walnut, also has a nearly perfect amino acid profile, and one that matches up very well with eggs. It contains 19 or the 22 amino acids our body uses, and all 9 that our body needs but does not produce on its own. Amino acids are the building blocks of the protein in our body, and are the key to fast recover and progress in athletic performance.